Annual Self-Review

In support of Michigan State University's commitment to digital accessibility, each Major Administrative Unit (MAU) is required to submit a Digital Accessibility Annual Self-Review. The Self-Review allows MSU to assess our progress in the digital accessibility of MSU programs, services, and activities. It allows MAUs to review digital accessibility compliance metrics and update university records, and to report changes in digital accessibility compliance priorities and strategy over the course of the year.

Self-Review Process

The Self-Review process typically begins with a Qualtrics email to all primary Digital Accessibility Liaisons. The Self-Review is discussed in one or more Digital Accessibility Liaison meetings and reminders are sent out until a majority of units have responded. Unresponsive units are given special attention by the MSU Digital Accessibility Team, as this may indicate a break in communication or a misunderstanding regarding a unit's compliance obligations.

Self-Review Responses

The Digital Accessibility Team attempts to provide a response to every Self-Review submitted, if appropriate. Internally, responses are checked against a rubric which provides guidance on which questions are purely informational and which are related to recommendations or unit strategy. If a unit's responses indicate they may be unaware of the recommended way of handling a particular aspect of digital accessibility compliance, recommendations are sent to them along with an offer of additional discussions, resources or support as appropriate.