Using the Accessibility Dashboard

The Accessibility Dashboard, sometimes referred to as the AllyStats Dashboard, provides currently available digital accessibility metrics to Major Administrative Units (MAUs) via their Digital Accessibility Liaisons. The dashboard is presented in Power BI while signed in to Spartan 365.

Open Dashboard

Each page of the dashboard contains detailed information on a unit’s accessibility metrics. The Welcome page shows the MAU’s scores from Spartan Ally, the Accessibility Awareness Survey, and percent of videos captioned. For each score, a target line shows the University average.

  • Courses: This page shows data on D2L courses collected via Spartan Ally.
  • Websites: This page shows data on websites belonging to the unit. This includes a list of currently identified digital accessibility issues.
  • Culture: This page shows the results of the Accessibility Awareness Survey that some units distributed internally.
  • Videos: This page shows information on the videos in YouTube or Kaltura MediaSpace that belong to the unit.


The information on this page was generated by the Spartan Ally reporting system in D2L. The page consists of three main sections.

  • A chart displays the Spartan Ally accessibility score as a percentage alongside the total number of courses. A small line on the chart indicates the University average score.
  • A bar graph details the Spartan Ally accessibility score by department.
  • A table lists all courses associated with the MAU, and includes course name, code, department, term, files score, web page score, and overall score. The table data can be sorted by each column heading.
  • The filters pane on the right side of the dashboard can be used to filter by department name, program, and/or term. Filters can be applied to the entire page. Filters can also be applied to a section, such as the courses table, by first clicking into the specific section.
  • Below the courses table, there is a button to “Show Only Most Recent Version of Each Course.” This button will filter the course list by MSU Course Code so that only the most recent entry is listed. Applying the filter also adjusts the data displayed on the other two charts on the page.
  • The programs filter is optional, and is available to any unit that can provide a list of courses in a given program.


This page contains a list of all major websites belonging to the MAU, along with data on any known digital accessibility issues that have been found on each website.

  • The URL for the main site or sites associated with the unit is listed at the start of the page.
  • A table lists all sites associated with the MAU, including the URL, content management system (CMS), vendor, and number of issues.
  • A pie chart displays the total issues, breaking them down by the three different severity levels (critical, significant, and minor). This data includes the number and the percentage associated with each severity level.
  • For more information on a specific issue, select it from the list and click the “More Info” button, or right-click the issue and select “drill-through” then “Issue Info.” This displays additional details such as the WCAG criteria, the specific URL, the impact and expected behavior, and any additional notes associated with the issue.
  • Information on how to add or remove issues from the list is available alongside the issues table.
  • To export an Excel file that contains all information on each issue, use the “Export All” button that is available alongside the issues table. This will display a table called All Issue Data. Select the table and then click the three dots icon that appears in the top right corner. Select the “Export data” option from the menu. The filters pane can also be utilized, if desired, before exporting. For example, the table could be filtered to only display issues with the severity level of critical.
    • For the most comprehensive data, it is recommended to export from the All Issue Data table, rather than from the Issues table on the main Websites page of the dashboard.

If corrections are needed to the websites list, such as incorrect or missing URLs, please email Kris Bakken.


This culture information was generated based on responses to the optional Accessibility Awareness Survey that was made available to units in fall 2023.

  • The total number of survey responses and the response rate are displayed.
  • A chart displays the unit’s accessibility awareness score as a percentage, and a small line indicates the University average.
  • A chart displays the unit’s accessibility training score, and a small line indicates the University average. This score is calculated by three training-related survey questions.
  • A chart displays the unit’s accessibility teaching score, and a small line indicates the University average. This score is calculated by responses to teaching questions.
  • A bar graph displays responses to general accessibility culture questions.
  • A bar graph displays responses to teaching faculty accessibility culture questions.
  • If the question text is cut off, hovering over the text or the bar will display the full question text. Or display the full text of the culture survey questions by selecting "more options" (the three dots icon) near the question bar graphs and selecting "show as a table."


This page lists all videos belonging to the MAU, including YouTube channels and Kaltura MediaSpace videos.

  • A table lists the title of each channel and the number of videos in each channel. Clicking on a row in this table will filter the page data by that item. Clicking the same row again will reset the view.
  • A chart displays the percent of videos captioned, and a small line indicates the University average.
  • Four boxes highlight the total videos, total captioned videos, total duration, and total captioned duration.
  • The Videos table displays the video tile, video ID, upload date, the Net ID of who uploaded the video (MediaSpace only), the view count, the platform, and whether the video is captioned as “true” or “false.” The table data can be sorted by each column heading.
  • The filters pane can be used to filter the data by a variety of parameters.

Currently, this data counts any MediaSpace video with a caption file as “captioned.” It does not yet display YouTube automatic captioning data.

General Tips

Filters Pane

The filters pane is available on each page of the dashboard and may be collapsed by default. It is located on the right side of the screen and designated by an arrow icon paired with the word “Filters.” Applying filters can customize the data that is displayed on the page. Applied filters also carry through to exported data. For example, export only a list of videos that have the captioned status of “false,” or export only critical website issues associated with a specific URL within the MAU.

A “reset all filters” button is located in the main toolbar. It is a round icon with an arrow inside it.

Export Options

An Export option is available in the main toolbar that includes PowerPoint and PDF options. However, data export features accessed within individual components (charts, tables) are likely to be a more useful. When a chart or table is selected, a set of icons will appear in the top right corner. Selecting the three dots icon opens a menu with additional options, including “Export data.” This feature allows the data to be exported as an Excel file.

Focus Mode

When a component is selected, one of the icons in the top right corner is Focus Mode. The icon is a square with an arrow inside it. Entering Focus Mode on a chart or table will display only that table on the screen. The data can be sorted, filtered, and exported while in Focus Mode. Select “back to report” to return to the previous screen.

Requesting Access

By default, the MAU’s liaisons have access to the Accessibility Dashboard. The primary liaison can request access for additional individuals in their unit by emailing Dennis Bond.