Accessibility Basics

Accessible Documents Overview

It is recommended that you take the earliest opportunity to read through all of the "basic" tutorials to gain a good understanding of what needs to be considered in making a document as accessible to all as possible. Once you have a basic understanding, you can follow links to the tutorials you need for the specific document types you wish to create.

Accessibility Policy and Compliance

All electronic documents provided by MSU for Student, Faculty, and Staff use, regardless of where they are acquired, need to meet the same technical guidelines for digital accessibility compliance. Assistive technologies help users customize how they experience your content so the effort you put into cleanly designed, accessible documents will improve access for everyone even if they don't view it exactly as you designed it.

Printed copies of the basic checklist of accessibility considerations are available to MSU Faculty and Staff by requesting them through or just keep that link handy via a tab, favorite, or bookmark.