We recommend the <header>
tag be used to designate the region at the top of the page that contains site-wide information, such as website logo, search, and navigation.
Another method that can be used in conjunction with HTML elements is WAI-ARIA roles. For the header, we recommend utilizing role="banner."
<header role="banner">
<img src="/images/example/MSU-Wordmark_White.png" alt="Michigan State University Wordmark">
We recommend the <nav>
tag be used to identify a navigation menu. Additionally, role="navigation" can be used to denote a navigation.
If a page has multiple navigation menus, we recommend using labels to differentiate between them. Labels should be short but descriptive. Headings, aria-label, or aria-labelledby can be used to provide a label.
<nav role=”navigation” aria-labelledby="mainmenulabel">
<h2 id="mainmenulabel" class="visuallyhidden">Main Menu</h2>
We recommend the <main>
element to identify the main content region of a web page. Additionally, role="main" can be used.
<main role="main">
<h1>The Arts & Humanities in Action</h1>
We recommend the <aside>
element be used to identify regions that support the main content, yet are separate and meaningful sections on their own. Additionally, role="complementary" can be used.
<aside role="complementary">
<h3>Related Articles</h3>
We recommend the use of <section>
to denote subsections of the main content. The section element should be accompanied by an aria-label describing the section.
<section aria-label="name of the section">
We recommend that <footer>
be used to designate the region at the bottom of every page that contains site-wide information, such as copyright information, privacy statements, or disclaimers. Additionally, role="contentinfo" can be used.
<footer role="contentinfo">
<p>© Michigan State University</p>